Monthly Dose of Design: Innovation Strategy Series (Part one)


Last month, we discussed about Learning by Doing and how market researchers can use this learning process to expand their knowledge and skills through the experience of executing work. All while improving their innovation process.

This month we’ll begin on a new series on innovation strategy and how it can help you.

What is innovation strategy?

An innovation strategy is a list of items one must consider to grow an organization via innovation. It’s also a great way to understand how to develop a new product, brand or service and plan accordingly

In short, an innovation strategy is a set policies or behaviors needed to achieve a specific goal.

Why do you need an innovation strategy?

Failure is common in innovation initiatives. An innovation strategy helps prevent failure by giving structure and give you guidance to maintain your product’s performance once it’s released in the market.

There’s 3 reasons

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When to Rethink Your Insights Management Strategy

If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound? And if an insights team throws their research into a shared drive or email thread, does anybody see it?

No one wants to dedicate time (and budget) to a research project that has a limited impact, which is why it’s so important to have an insights management strategy: an approach to capturing, sharing, and driving engagement with your organization’s market research and insights. But it’s all too easy to establish an insights management approach and then set it on autopilot, without thinking about how it may need to change to meet the evolving needs of your business.

Let’s take a look at four common scenarios when you may need to reevaluate your existing insights management strategy.

Your team is restructuring

There are a number of reasons your current team might restructure: your company could be changing where different

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People & Technology: Finding Balance in ResTech

A lot of businesses in the ResTech sector are great at tech. A lot of businesses in the sector are great at people. The issue is, I’d wager too few are truly great at both. Companies will have to balance people and emerging research technology if they want to succeed moving forward.

Striking the right balance in combining people and technology is hard, and even harder to do really well. Often companies are torn between wanting to be positioned as a technology business versus trying to capitalize on opportunities and revenue that frequently requires a service component. How much do you lean into one or the other, and what are the implications on your addressable market, your margin profile and, ultimately, your ability to drive revenue?

Tech is first and foremost an enabler

Increasingly, winning companies are those recognizing that it is the “team” and first-class customer service (commonly known

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B2B Research And Development During The Covid Era

One of the areas that have been most affected by the covid pandemic is research and development. According to NCUB, the lockdown has impacted the research and development of several businesses.

  • 81% of businesses suffer from stoppages and delays in their research.
  • 12% of businesses had to completely stop their research activity.
  • 56% of the business stopped planning for their internal R&D and innovation activities for the coming year.

However, some businesses were also able to adapt and continue their work remotely. As a market research professional myself, I have worked with clients in a variety of industries, including the B2B sector. In my experience, certain approaches tend to work well in this type of market research.

In this blog post, we will take a look at how the Covid pandemic has affected research and development and what the future may hold for this important area of business. First,

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What Does It Take to be a Good Moderator?

Qualitative Market Research (QLMR) has changed over the past 25 years since I started in the field, but some things have stayed the same … including what it takes to be a good Moderator.

Once exposed to qualitative research, some people know immediately they want to moderate; others simply fall into the role. And unique to the QLMR industry, most who start to moderate tend to continue after they have started.

I believe what pulls people into, and keeps them in the field of qualitative research is the value they see from talking to people. The magic of good moderating is in getting more than surface feedback and getting below top-of-mind data to helps clients make decisions.

“The magic of good moderating is in getting more than surface feedback and getting below top-of-mind data to helps clients make decisions.”

Qualitative research is just one piece of a clients big puzzle,

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